Règlement des Prix
1. | The Swiss Physical Society (SPS) awards every year outstanding achievements in physics with prizes. With those prizes, young physicists, i.e. physicists in an early phase of their career before obtaining a tenure or tenure track academic position, which includes awarding physicists for their PhD thesis, and also includes physicists working in industry for not more than three years after having received their PhD, shall be honoured for their exceptional performance. The committee of the SPS acquires the sponsors and names the specific fields. The SPS defines the subjects and invites for nominations in an annual call. Nominations include the usual materials for academic prizes and awards (such as, but not limited to, publications in refereed journals or proceedings, invited talks, leadership and achievements in his/her respective field, patents, …). |
2. | Based on the decision of the award committee, the prizes are given at the annual meeting of the SPS by the president of the award committee and/or a representative of the SPS board. |
3. | The award committee consists of at least 6 experts, whereas the sponsors, as well as the SPS board, are each represented by one person. The president of the SPS takes the chair of the award committee or may delegate it to an appropriate person. |
4. | The award committee evaluates each nomination it receives based on its scientific importance, quality and originality. |
5. | The award committee may ask for additional explanations and comments from the in the nomination named referenced persons, from the nominating person, as well as from external experts. |
6. | The achievement must either be accomplished in Switzerland, or, if abroad, funded by Swiss resources at a substantial level of at least 50%, or accomplished by a Swiss citizen abroad. |
7. | Depending on circumstances, not all awards may be given. |
8. | The decision of the award committee is final and no appeal against its decision is possible. |
9. | The prize winners will be informed before the general assembly meeting and the prize ceremony take place. |
10. | These award regulations may be changed by the SPS board in consultation with the award sponsors. |
The underlying principles of these rules were presented at the general assembly of the SPS on 23 August 2016, and replaces all prior versions.