Fortschritte in der Physik
In dieser Serie informiert die SPG über aktuelle Aktivitäten von Physikerinnen und Physikern an Schweizer Hochschulen und in Hochtechnologie-Industrien. Die Artikel sollen auf verständliche Art möglichst breit alle Gebiete der Physik abdecken. Dazu wird jedes SPG - Vorstandsmitglied in zyklischer Folge gebeten, einen Artikel zu akquirieren oder selber zu schreiben. Die Artikel sollen nicht nur über fachliche Inhalte informieren, sondern auch - falls es möglich ist -, ethische Aspekte ansprechen und ebenso die Auswirkungen, die die Ergebnisse über das eigentliche Fachgebiet hinaus eventuell finden könnten.
Das wäre im Sinne des Stoikers und römischen Kaisers Marc Aurel (121 - 180 nC), "Jederzeit und womöglich bei jeder Vorstellung musst Du die Lehren der Physik, der Ethik, der Dialektik in Anwendung bringen" ¹, der die Kenntnis vom Wesen und Beschaffenheit der Natur, den moralisch-sittlichen Wert der Fragestellungen und die richtige Beurteilung und Einordnung der Ergebnisse als Einheit sah.
Letzten Endes jedoch soll die Artikelserie aufzeigen, wie gross die Vielfalt der in der Schweiz behandelten Themen ist und auf welch hohem Niveau Forschung betrieben wird.
1 Albert Wittstock, Übers.: Marc Aurel: Selbstbetrachtungen (Achtes Buch, Abschnitt 13). Reclam, Stuttgart 1949; Nachdruck 1995, ISBN 3-15-001241-4
- Structural Biology and Interaction Analysis in Drug Discovery (105)
- Exploiting correlations in gamma ray detection to non-invasively monitor nuclear reactors (104)
- Einstein Telescope: the exploration of the Universe with Gravitational Waves (103)
- Structural analysis of proteins by cryo-electron ptychography (102)
- Scalable optical memories in MEMS vapor cells for quantum networking (101)
- A journey in the topologically protected world (100)
- Landau level spectroscopy (99)
- THz frequency combs for integrated coherent photonics (98)
- Energy Thresholds in Plasma Sputtering Deposition (97)
- Towards a new slip ring design for the next generation of high-power satellites: a plasma-physics challenge (96)
- LHCb restores lepton universality (95)
- Observing the highest energy phenomena in the universe with multi-messengers (94)
- Uniaxial strain as an efficient way to decouple intertwined degrees of freedom in high-temperature cuprate superconductors (93)
- Exotic quantum phases in new kagome materials (92)
- “Doing less, does it faster” - Using Compressive Sensing and Parallel Spectroscopy for Fast Quantum Materials Discovery (91)
- Quantum simulation with atoms and photons (90)
- Hydrodynamics of fish swimming and mechanical regulation of regeneration (89)
- Photoemission from Solids (88)
- X-ray Lasers using a Plasma Medium: Tabletop Beams Got Brighter than Synchrotrons (87)
- Intriguing results at the LHCb experiment: the flavour anomalies strengthen (86)
- Magnetic vortices: into the third dimension (85)
- AMS-02, the Cosmic Ray Observatory - 10 Years on the International Space Station (84)
- Gravitational waves: an update (83)
- Taming light at the nanoscale with DNA (82)
- Superconductivity – Current State, Records, and new Frontiers (81)
- Advanced Niobium-Tin superconductors for the Future Circular Collider (80)
- Towards multiferroelectricity from frustrated magnetic order at room temperature (79)
- Fitting a motor into a 1 nm3 cube (78)
- Focal Molography – an optical method for label-free detection of biomolecular interactions (77)
- Atomic buckling in silicene determined with sub-Ångstrom precision by atomic force microscopy (76)
- Novel reactor concepts: Asset in a future de-carbonized energy mix? (75)
- What physics in Switzerland is doing to meet the COVID-19 challenge (74)
- Magnetic Skyrmions: From Fundamental Physics to Topological Electronics (73)
- Ultrathin Layers – Big Effect: Functional Coatings by Plasma Polymerization (72)
- New magnetic two-dimensional semiconducting layered materials for spintronic applications (71)
- Chiral twist in mesoscopic magnetic systems (70)
- It’s All in the Shape: Triangularity on TCV (69)
- Physics Education Research - An Applied Science (68) (part 1)
- Physics Education Research - An Applied Science (68) (part 2)
- Philosophy of physics – what is it and why is it worthwhile to study it? (67)
- The attosecond science of solids (66)
- A milestone in the further development of the International System of Units (65)
- Cold molecules: techniques and applications (64)
- The challenge of long-distance quantum communication: From quantum repeaters to a quantum internet. (63)
- Lepton Flavor Universality violations: a new challenge in fundamental physics (62)
- Two-post wave slaloming at a cut-off and a resonance, or how to access and heat "overdense" plasmas using two successive mode conversions (61)
- Topological mechanics: Topology’s route to applications? (57)
- The B0 -> K*(892) µ+µ- anomaly and the flavour jigsaw puzzle (56)
- Upgrading the TCV tokamak to get closer to fusion reactor conditions (55)
- Exploring enantioselective processes on intrinsically chiral metal surfaces (54)
- The physics of data centers – beyond the transistor node (53)
- Seeing quantum superpositions (52)
- Will ultracold neutrons reveal their electric dipole moment? (51)
- Formation of rogue waves under forcing fields (50)
- Cantilever based Biophysics (49)
- Microstructured crystals of correlated electron systems (48)
- Heating and current drive of fusion plasma by electron cyclotron wave: the technological challenges (47)
- Rosetta - a journey back to our origin (46)
- Uniaxial Stress in GaAs Nanowires Reveals an Unprecedented Light Emission Tunability and Novel Bandstructure Transitions (45)
- Spontaneous Helical Order of Electron and Nuclear Spins in a Luttinger Liquid (44)
- Extended-focus optical-coherence microscopy – seeing the brain at work (43)
- Electron Cyclotron Masers: from plasma physics to NMR spectroscopy applications (41)
- Bloch meets Alzheimer (39)