SPS Annual Meeting 2024

The next annual meeting will take place from 9 - 13 September 2024 at the Campus Zentrum of the ETH Zürich.
The conference will open this year on Monday, 9 September with the third edition of the Physics Funding in Switzerland session.
In the afternoon we will continue with the General Assembly, followed by a symposium acknowledging Louis de Broglie: 100 years of wave-particle duality.
After the symposium, Anne l'Huillier (Lund University, Sweden), Nobel Laureate 2023, will give a public lecture, jointly organised by the SPS and the SSPh: The route to attosecond pulses.
The Women in Physics Career Symposium, also with its third edition, will become an integral part of the annual meeting and take place on Tuesday, 10 September.
On Friday, 13 September, the new section Energy and Sustainability will have its inaugural session with a special program.
From Tuesday to Friday, renowned speakers will give talks in the plenary sessions, while the parallel sessions will allow in depth discussions in several topical fields. A poster exhibition will complement the scientific program.
The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP), the Swiss Neutron Science Society (SGN), the Swiss Society for Photon Science (SSPh), and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2) will again contribute to the program. Thanks to all these collaborations, our joint annual meeting will offer again an exciting program, covering latest advancements of physics in a wide range of fields at its best.
Abstract Submission
You can submit abstracts to all topical sessions. The choice between an oral or a poster presentation of your contribution is possible. Due to the limited number of time slots the session organizers might however be forced to change oral presentations into posters. If possible, please mark the option "talk OR poster" in your submission. You will find more explanations directly on the "Call for Abstracts" page and within the submission form.
Please do not wait until the last minute ! An early submisson will make it easier for us to compile the program. Late-coming submissions will not be accepted !
Here you can register for the conference as participant.
Deadline: Extended until 23 August 2024
We recommend an early registration !
The conference program will presumably be available in July.