The Winners of the SPS Awards 2010
The SPS award committee, presided by Prof. Hans Beck (Uni Neuchâtel) had this year again a hard job to choose among the 7 candidates the three ones winning the renowned awards. All the works submitted showed an excellent quality and were of high scientific level.
The three finalists had the opportunity to give a 15 min talk at the annual meeting in order to present their outstanding work in more detail. They are presented below.
(Laudationes written by Hans Beck, abstracts written by the respective authors)

From left to right: Hans Beck (Chair of the award committee), Sandra Foletti (Oerlikon Award), Erik van Heumen (IBM Award), Christophe Rossel (SPS President), Konstantinos Lagoudakis (ABB Award)
SPS Award for General Physics, sponsored by ABB
Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis got a BSc in Physics, with grade A, at the University of Athens in his home country, and a MSc, with distinction, in Optics and Photonics at the Imperial College in London. For his PhD work at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne he has studied the fundamental properties of Bose-Einstein condensates of exciton polaritons.
Working on the hot topic of Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons in microcavity systems, Konstantinos has shown his outstanding capabilities, both in mastering difficult experimental techniques and in developing a deep theoretical understanding. First, he has demonstrated the appearance of vortices in the condensate, which can be detected through a "fork-like dislocation" in the near field interferometry images of the condensate. Their existence proves the superfluid nature of the condensate. He then went one step further and realized the first clear observation of half-quantum vortices in this system with the help of polarization-resolved interferometry, real-space spectroscopy and phase imaging. This particular phenomenon, that had been predicted theoretically, is based on the fact that the polariton superfluid is characterized by a two-component order parameter, due to the spin of the condensing particles.
Attributing the General Physics prize to Konstantinos Lagoudakis the Swiss Physical Society honors an outstanding and brillant young physicist who has produced important new results at the forefront of his research field. His publications have been widely appreciated. He has already new experimental findings to present, namely the ultrafast apparition of vortices and the observation of Josephson oscillations in the polariton condensates.
SPS Award for Condensed Matter Physics, sponsored by IBM
Erik van Heumen is Dutch. Having obtained his MSc at the University of Leiden he came to the Département de Physique de la Matière Condensée in Geneva for a PhD thesis, dedicated to a better quantitative understanding of high temperature superconductivity. He is now back in his home country, at the University of Amsterdam. Being project leader of a research project entitled "Superconductivity enters the iron age: testing quantitative theories of superconductivity in iron pnictide high Tc superconductors" he fully profits from his new insight into the phenomenon of superconductivity.
High temperature superconductivity is still a major challenge for theoretical physicists. Whereas most specialists in the field believe that the strong electronic correlations necessitate modelling that is different from what has been developed for low temperature materials, Erik has based his considerations on the well established strong coupling formalism that builds a link between the optical conductivity in the normal state, the electronic self-energy, the intensity of the bosonic coupling producing Cooper pairs and the superconducting critical temperature. Using his measured optical data for materials with doping levels spanning the range from underdoped to overdoped, he gets information about the "glue function" that provides the bosonic coupling leading to pairing. He then shows that the resulting critical temperatures follow the dome-shaped dependence on doping with values that are only a factor 2 to 3 above the experimental values.
Given that various other models are not consistent with the relation between optical spectra and transition temperature this is a major step forward in our understanding of high temperature superconductivity. Erik also shows that the frequency dependence of the "glue function" is not compatible with the traditional electron-phonon coupling.
Erik is not only an extremely skilled and powerful experimentalist, but his work also certifies his profound understanding of theoretical analysis and modelling. Let us hope that his deep insight will also lead to an identification of the "glue" that creates electron pairs in the high Tc materials !
SPS Award for Applied Physics, sponsored by OC Oerlikon
Sandra Foletti has studied physics at the two Federal Schools of Technology, two years in Lausanne and up to the MSc degree in Zürich. She did the first part of her experimental PhD work on spin qubits in GaAs double quantum dots at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, before she moved to Harvard University for the second part of her thesis work.
Quantum computation and information processing – Sandra’s research field – is a challenging application of the basic laws of quantum mechanics. It aims at implementing secure information transfer and at providing methods for solving complex computational problems. It is well known that the solid state environment limits the necessary coherence time of the quantum bits that should do the work for the user. Sandra has shown that even in GaAs, where each atom bears a nuclear spin, this problem can be overcome. Her work focuses on the dynamic coupling and decoupling between the coupled spins of two electrons in a double quantum dot structure and the surrounding bath of nuclear spins. Her work has litterally revolutionized the field ! By decoupling the qubit spin from its environment she has succeeded in extending the coherence time by 3 orders of magnitude, reaching several hundreds of microseconds. Taking advantage of the hyperfine interaction between electrons and nuclei she has generated a magnetic field gradient which is needed to achieve full control over the individual two-electron spin qubit.This was a non-trivial experimental task that Sandra has mastered beautifully.
Therefore, Sandra’s work, although in principal being done in the framework of basic quantum physics, represents a striking breakthrough in the worldwide effort to use spin qubits in solid state systems with sufficiently long coherence time. This is an important step forward towards the application of fundamental physics to quantum computing, which is a promising future tool for the community of computer users. Sandra therefore fully merits the Swiss Physical Society prize for applied physics.