Die Gewinner der SPG Preise 2008
Das Preiskomitee der SPG, unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. Hans Beck (Uni Neuchâtel), hat es sich wiederum nicht leicht gemacht, die drei Gewinner der diesjährigen SPG-Preise zu nominieren. Die hervorragenden Arbeiten dieser drei jungen Physiker werden nachfolgend vorgestellt.
(Laudationes von Hans Beck, Zusammenfassungen vom jeweiligen Autor. Die deutschen Übersetzungen sind zur Zeit noch nicht verfügbar.)

SPS Award for General Physics, sponsored by ABB
Thorsten Lisker obtained his diploma in physics in 2003 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. The topic of his diploma thesis was already in his preferred field, namely astrophysics. He then realized that the small neighboring country in the south might offer him further interesting insight into the world of stars and galaxies. After one year at ETHZ he went to the University of Basel for his PhD work that he completed a year ago with the highests honors – summa cum laude. His thesis asks a question: "Early-type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: Nature or Nurture ?"
Galaxy formation and evolution is a central problem of today’s astrophysics. Analysing data obtained by an impressive photometric and spectroscopic sky survey project, Thorsten Lisker performed the first systematic classification of the dwarf galaxy population of the Virgo cluster. He identified subpopulations with statistically significant different age, chemical composition, structure and dynamics within the galaxy cluster. He even succeeded – in a highly competitive process – in obtaining observing time for follow-up studies with the Very Large Telescope of the European southern Observatory in Chile. He has already 13 papers in his publication list and his PhD work has significantly advanced the understanding of galaxy evolution.
Dr. Lisker is now back in his home country as a post-doctoral researcher at the "Zentrum für Astronomie" of the University of Heidelberg where he is organizing his research group showing convincing leadership abilities – as we can read in one of the recommendation letters. He has already obtained a prize in 2007: the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Award, given by the University of Basel. So – in case he continues to have a prize every year – the Nobel prize may be his in due time….

SPS Award for Condensed Matter Physics, sponsored by IBM
Lorenz Meier has been what we call a "mobile student": he studied physics at ETH Zürich and at the University of Lund in Sweden. His PhD work for which he gets his prize was done in the framework of a joint research project between the Laboratory of Solid State Physics at ETH in Zürich and the IBM Research Lab in Rüschlikon (I can garantee you that the IBM member in the prize committee took a very neutral point of view when we evaluated the different candidates…).
I can imagine that electrons in quantum wells are really afraid of Lorenz Meier since they have to dance according to his will ! He has developed methods allowing to manipulate the spin of these electrons, either by magnetic or – what is less obvious – by electric fields. The latter case is more promising for practical applications, particularly in computing and information processing. He is using basic physics that tells us that – in the reference frame of a moving electron – electric fields transform into magnetic fields which then influences the electronic spin degree of freedom.
His work is already internationally recognized and a Nature Physics paper presents his achievements in electric-dipole-induced spin resonance. However, his CV shows that his interests go far beyond physics: he has been a useful employee of his home canton of St. Gallen for a couple of years by programming software for tax calculation and staff management, and our SBB company has profited from his implementation and testing of the braking parameters for a new high speed train line running with the European Train Control System (ETCS). This is perhaps not so surprising, since, as a good student, Lorenz knows what European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) means and then easily switched to ETCS…

SPS Award for Applied Physics, sponsored by OC Oerlikon
Andrea Guarino, of Swiss and Italian nationality, obtained his university degree in nuclear engineering – with mathematical-physical option – at the Politecnico di Milano. With his well equilibrated background in theoretical and applied aspects of science he performed his PhD work in the Nonlinear Optics Group at the ETH in Zürich, dealing with "Electro-optic microring resonators in inorganic crystals for photonic applications". Dr. Guarino is now investing his skills and knowledge into applied projects: he has a "High Power Laser Engineer" position in the R&D Department of the Bookham company in Zürich.
The optical microresonators studied by Dr. Guarino, with the shape of a ring with dimensions of 100 μ, have a light transmission spectrum that can be tuned by the size and the optical properties of the material. Using new technology he has succeeded, for the first time, to produce such resonators made of lithium niobate. This is already a well known and appreciated material for different kinds of optical applications, but Dr. Guarino’s innovation consisted in using the "ion slicing" technique in order to put submicrometer thin films of the material onto all kinds of substrates. This allows to produce a large difference in refractive index between the wave guide and the cladding material. This achievement opens fascinating new prospects for integrated nonlinear photonic devices.
Andrea Guarino says in his CV: "I love physics, optics and technology in general". No doubt he will continue with great enthusiasm to build a bridge between basic quantum physics and useful technological applications.