Member of SCNAT

The Swiss Physical Society (SPS) is the national professional association of Physicists coming from teaching, research, development and industry. The diversity of modern research in physics is reflected in ten specific sections.

Image: ESO

General Information about the conference


Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel

Registration Desk

The registration desk is situated directly at the entrance facing the Spalentor, in front of the lecture room Aula 033.
Opening hours:

Mon 04.09.10:00 - 17:30
Tue 05.09. - Thu 07.09.08:00 - 18:00
Fri 08.09.08:00 - 12:00

The program on Monday 4 September is exempt from the conference fees. Registration is only needed for the Women in Physics Career Symposium.

On all other days: All participants must imperatively report at the registration desk before visiting any session. You will receive your name badge and conference program, and can pay still due conference fees.

Important: Without badge, entry to the lecture rooms will be refused.

Lecture rooms

All rooms are equipped with projectors (multimedia). You may connect your own laptop. The most common adapters (HDMI, VGA) are installed. If need be, bring your own adapter and USB-key.

Poster Session

The postersession will take place on Tuesday evening and during lunchbreak on Wednesday. The poster boards are numbered according to the program and grouped by session. All posters are expected to be presented on both days.

Maximum poster size: A0 portrait

Coffee Breaks and Lunch

The coffee breaks, aperitif (Tuesday evening) and the lunch buffet on Wednesday will take place in the exhibition area. Those items are covered by the conference fee.
The campus mensa as well as nearby restaurants are at your disposal for lunch on the other days.

Conference Dinner

The dinner will take place on Thursday in the restaurant Ayledo after the parallel sessions. The fee is CHF 90.- / € 95.- per person (including 3-course-meal and drinks). The number of places is limited. Please register in any case in advance so we can plan accordingly. A registration on site is not possible!

The dinner fee must be paid and transferred to our account at latest by 21 August in order to guarantee your meal. We will keep only a small fraction of the unpaid dinner places, which will be assigned to persons paying cash upon arrival on a first come - first serve base. Unfortunately we are forced to take this measure because of experiences made in previous years when too many unpaid last-minute cancellations occurred for which we still were indebted to the restaurant. We hope for your understanding.


During the whole conference the eduroam wireless network is available for the participants. Persons without access to eduroam can also use the unibas-visitor network.
