Membre de la SCNAT

La Société suisse de physique (SSP) est l’association professionnelle nationale des physiciens et physiciennes provenant de l’enseignement, de la recherche, du développement et de l’industrie. La diversité de la recherche moderne en physique est reflétée dans dix sections spécifiques.

Image : ESO

Frais d'inscription

The conference fees cover the participation to all sessions, including coffee breaks (all days), poster-apéro (Tuesday) and lunch buffet (Wednesday). One-day tickets are not available.
The conference dinner on Wednesday evening will be charged separately.

Pay your conference fee in time and save money !

The regular prices, as shown in the table below, are valid for payments reaching us before 15 August 2023. For payments coming in later you have to add a surcharge of CHF 20.-. This applies also for participants paying cash at the conference.

Category (all prices in CHF)RegularAfter 15 August
Individual members of SPS, ÖPG, CHIPP150.-170.-
Students BEFORE master/diploma degree (*)100.-120.-
Other persons190.-210.-
Plenary speakers, invited speakers, awardees (**)0.-0.-

"Not yet" SPS members special offer (see below)

Conference Dinner90.-

(*) Students licence required
(**) defined by the conference organisers

Attention: Fees are not refundable in case of individual cancellation.

Payment information (account data) is available directly during the registration process. Please make sure that your name and the purpose of the payment are indicated with the money transfer.


At the registration desk you can only pay cash (CHF). We can unfortunately not accept any credit cards.

Do you plan to participate in our meeting and want also to become a member of the SPS ? Then take advandage of our special offer of CHF 200.- covering the conference fees and the membership for 2023. (CHF 220.- after 15 August) ! Just fill out the registration form, choose the option "Special offer", then download the admission form for new members, and return it filled and signed as soon as possible to the SPS Secretariat.

(This offer does not apply for students and Ph.D. students. They still profit from the free first-year-membership and have only to pay the conference fee shown above.)