Membre de la SCNAT

La Société suisse de physique (SSP) est l’association professionnelle nationale des physiciens et physiciennes provenant de l’enseignement, de la recherche, du développement et de l’industrie. La diversité de la recherche moderne en physique est reflétée dans dix sections spécifiques.

Image : ESO


Schedules and Program Overview

Here you find the schedule tables as well as the overview (all submissions with presenting authors, without abstracts) of the conference. Upon program changes a notification will be placed with the respective entry (original state: 16.05.2022). Changes are marked in red within each file.

Note on the talk length: In talks with a total length of 15 or 20 min, 3 min thereof are foreseen for discussion. In longer talks 5 min are foreseen for discussion.


Here you find the complete program with abstracts. Upon program changes a notification will be placed with the respective entry (original state: 09.06.2022). Changes are marked in red within each file.

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony will take place on 28 June 2022 at 11:00. As every year outstanding scientific works will be honoured with the SPS awards.
The CHIPP Award for the best PhD student in experimental or theoretical particle physics, as well as the "Young Scientist Prize" of the Swiss Society for Neutron Science, sponsored by SwissNeutronics, will also be given.

During the conference the winners will each give a talk on the awarded work (details see program).

Best Poster Award

The three best posters at this year's conference will each be recognized with an award. These awards are donated by the SPS and are doted with CHF 200.-.

Only posters, which are presented on both days of the poster session (28.06. and 29.06.) and whose authors are present, will be evaluated.

The three awards will be given to the winners on Thursday, 30.06.2022 at 10:30h.

This year's program will offer a public lecture (no registration needed):

Thomas Stocker, Universität Bern: Climate models: Early warning system of the climate crisis
(Mon, 27.06., 19:30)