Prix de la SSP 1991 - 2005
Since 1991, every year three SPS awards in the categories „Applied Physics“ (A), „Condensed Matter Physics“ (C) and „General Physics“ (G) have been given to young physicists. In 2005, by way of an exception, a fourth prize in the category „Space Sciences“ (S) was awarded.
Below you will find a list of all the laureates from 1991 to 2005:
(A) | Dr. André-Joseph Koch, Lausanne Des cristaux colloïdaux à la phyllotaxie, deux exemples de réseaux cristallins géométrie cylindrique |
(C) | Dr. Jürg Osterwalder, Dr. Thomas Greber, Alexander Stuck, Fribourg Photoelektronen-Diffraktion |
(G) | Dr. Christian Schönenberger, Zürich Understanding Magnetic Force Microscopy |
(A) | No winner |
(C) | Dr. Peter Böni, Villigen Diffusion des neutrons |
(G) | Dr. Olivier Carnal, ETHZ und Uni Konstanz Interférométrie atomique |
(A) | Dr. Benno Bucher, Thomas J. Watson Research Center N.Y. Static and Dynamic Transport in Cuprate Superconductors |
(C) | No winner |
(G) | Dr. Othmar Marti, Konstanz, Dr. Ernst Meyer, Basel Entwicklung der Rasterreibungsmikroskopie |
(A) | Dr. Adrien Cornaz, Uni Zürich Fünfte Kraft |
(C) | Dr. Andreas Schilling, ETHZ Synthese und Charakterisierung von HgBa2Ca2O8-d als 133 K Supraleiter |
(G) | Dr. Jean-Paul Miéville, Genf Fabrication et caractérisation de transistors MOS mésoscopiques |
(A) | Dr. Ruggero Castagnetti, ETHZ Integrated Magnetotransistors in Bipolar and CMOS Technology |
(C) | Dr. Joël Mesot, ETHZ / PSI Villigen Neutron spectroscopic studies of the crystal field in HTc superconductors |
(G) | Dr. Edwin Yoon Lee, Dr. Henning Sirringhaus, ETHZ Ballistic electron emission microcopy |
(A) | Damian Zech, Uni Zürich Contribution à la compréhension des supraconducteurs à haute température |
(C) | Dr. Isabelle Billas, EPFL Les propriétés magnétiques d' agrégats métalliques |
(G) | Dr. Didier Queloz, Observatoire de Genève Première observation hors du système solaire |
(A) | Dr. Daniel Hofstetter, Xerox, Palo Alto Monolithically Integrated Interferometer for Optical Displacement Measurement |
(C) | Dr. Raniero Pittini, ETHZ Optical and Magnetooptical Study of the Cerium Monochalchogenides and Monopnictides in the Infrared |
(G) | No sponsor, no award |
(A) | Dr. Thomas Graf, Uni Bern The Variable-Configuration Resonator |
(C) | Dr. Ivan Maggio-Aprile and Dr. Christophe Renner, Uni Genève Les supraconducteurs à haute température critique vus par spectroscopie tunnel à balayage |
(G) | Dr. Luc Machiels, EPFL Simulation and Theory of Randomly Forced Turbulence |
(A) | Dr. Martin von Arx, ETHZ Thermal properties of CMOS thin films |
(C) | No winner |
(G) | Dr. Stefan Haacke, EPFL How photons convert into excitons confined in semiconductor quantum wells |
(A) | Dr. Fortunat Joos, Uni Bern Atmospheric CO2 and Climate Change |
(C) | Dr. Adrian Bachtold, Uni Basel Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in carbon nanotubes |
(G) | Dr. Jêrome Bürki, Uni Fribourg and Prof. Charles A. Stafford, University of Arizona Free-electron theory of cohesion and transport in metallic nanowires |
(A) | Dr. Etienne Cuche, EPFL and Uni Lausanne Simultaneous amplitude and quantitative phase-contrast microscopy by numerical reconstruction of digital Fresnel off-axis holograms |
(C) | Gabriel Dehlinger and Laurent Diehl, PSI Villigen Quantum Cascade Structures integrated into Silicon |
(G) | Matthias Liebendörfer, Uni Basel A General Relativistic Simulation of Stellar Core Collapse and Postbounce Evolution with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport |
(A) | Michele Saba, EPFL Ultrafast Light Amplification in Semiconductor microcavities |
(C) | Stefan Oberholzer, Uni Basel Quantum Shot Noise in Mesoscopic Devices |
(G) | Holger Reimerdes, EPFL Magnetohydrodynamic Stability Limits in the TCV Tokamak |
(A) | Silvia Schintke, Uni Basel Insulator at the Ultrathin Limit |
(C) | Frederic Bouquet and Yuxing Wang, Uni Genève Thermodynamics of a new Superconductor: MgB2 , the "double-barreled oldtimer" |
(G) | Pietro Gambardella, EPFL Ferromagnetism in One-dimensional Monatomic Metal Chains |
(A) | Georg Bison, Uni Fribourg A Laser-pumped Magnetometer for the Mapping of Human Cardiomagnetic Fields |
(C) | Andreas Fuhrer, ETH Zürich Electron Transport through Quantum Dots and Quantum Rings |
(G) | Florian Meier, Uni Basel Magnetization Transport and Quantized Spin Conductance |
(A) | Dr. Heike Riel, IBM Rüschlikon Organic Light-Emitting Devices for Display Applications |
(C) | Sebastian Pilgram, Uni Genève Stochastic Path Integral Formulation of Full Counting Statistics |
(G) | Henning Moritz, ETH Zürich Excitation of Collective Oscillations in a Trapped One-dimensional Gas |
(S) | Martin Wieser, Uni Bern Detection of Energetic Neutral Atoms and its Application in Heliospheric Science |
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2023
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2022
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2021
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2020
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2019
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2018
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2017
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2016
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2013
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2012
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2011
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2010
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2008
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2007
- Les lauréats des prix de la SSP 2006
- Prix de la SSP 1991 - 2005
- Sponsors