Prix Nobel
In diesem Abschnitt werden, natürlich, Artikel zu den Nobelpreisen in Physik präsentiert. Aber auch solche aus benachbarten Gebieten, z.B. der Chemie, wenn sie einen starken Bezug zur Physik bzw. zur Schweiz haben. Mit gleichem Bezug werden gelegentlich auch Gewinner anderer höchstrangiger Preise beschrieben, z.B. Fields Medaillen, Sakurai Preis usw.
The Nobel Award 2019 in Physics has been shared between Philip James Edwin Peebles on the one hand for theoretical discoveries in physical cosmology, and Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz on the other for their discovery of the first exoplanets. We report independently on both topics.
The Nobel Award 2018 in Physics has been shared between Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou on the one hand, and Arthur Ashkin on the other for different research work in laser physics. We report independently on both topics. Our authors will go into more details in our SPG Mitteilungen Nr. 57.

The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Barry C. Barish, Kip S. Thorne and Rainer Weiss. The researchers made significant contributions to the development of gravitational wave detectors. Their work enabled the first-time observation of gravitational waves on September 14, 2015.
At our Joint Annual Meeting this topic was covered by a plenary talk by Philipp Jetzer (Uni Zürich). We present his extended abstract below, where he also appreciates the contributions of the three laureates.
A separate article will cover the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Besides the article on the Nobel Prize in Physics we present also one on the Chemistry Nobel Prize.
Sakurai Prize
The J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics is awarded yearly by the American Physical Society (APS) "to recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in particle theory". The prize was established in 1984 in memory of the Japanese-American physicist Jun John Sakurai. Heinrich Leutwyler is the first Swiss recipient (for a complete list, see
Fields Medaillen
Die Fields Medaillen werden von Mathematikern ähnlich hoch bewertet wie die Nobelpreise von Physikern. Wir portraitieren daher hier Kollegen, die erfreulicherweise nicht nur starke Beziehungen zur Schweiz haben, sondern deren Arbeiten neben der rein mathematischen Bedeutung auch von erheblicher Relevanz für die Physik sind.